Monday, July 28, 2014

Immigration Reform

The Texas immigration issue that is going on right now does not take in consideration to the children that are transported here against their will. These children often come here on a legal status and overstay their welcome in the United States without knowing so. Later on in life they will face extreme hardships if they remain in America, such as not being able to have a drivers license, have a job with a legal wage, or even find an apartment to live in. 

Republicans make the assumption that the immigrants are the ones draining the government funds with welfare programs, without really looking at facts or numbers. 
The way that the republicans look at the issue is on the side of the native born citizen, but what constitutes a “native born citizen”? In 1492, Christopher Columbus arrived to the United States on a ship on accident. Once he arrived, he claimed this land as Spain’s land. Most of the “native born citizens” in the United States are decedents of Spain, which could also be known as immigrants. The problem we face currently is the influx of Mexicans into the United States. There are many people who want to be in the United States but cannot be here legally unless they have specific representation of identification.

 This is not what Mr. Columbus did when he came to the now known United States and killed every rebellious Indian in his path. If Spain could have taken this country with brute force and no consequences, why cant the rest of the world take this land as their own?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blog Stage 4

Harold Cook’s article talking about the open carry legislation and its’ opponents was great at letting the public see both sides of the story. On one hand he talked about how the NRA have been fighting for the open carry activism, and on the other hand he mentioned anti open carry groups such as the Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.  What I liked best about his article was his ability to show why people with opposing ideologies are both right in their arguments. While the NRA is supposed to be an organization filled with admiration and respect, they failed incredibly when they decided to call the MDAGSA (Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America) “thugs with jugs” simply because they don’t believe in open carry policy.  Cook clearly is not very supportive to the NRA since he calls them the  Penis Compensation Caucus so I imagine it was refreshing to some people who are also non-supportive to open carry policy , to read his article, especially  coming from a Texas man. I really respected his way of calling out the careless members of the NRA who resorted to name calling when defending their beliefs. Although it is very easy to see who he identifies himself with, he made a clear point to treat both groups of believers equally. A group of women should not be referred to as “wenches” simply because they don’t share the same ideologies as the organization. Overall I think Harold Cook did a great job at setting equal grounds for both arguments. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Blog stage 3

For the past 4 summers, the city of Austin has been dealing with a serious drought, and although this summer we have been blessed by a couple of rainstorms, we are nowhere near full recovery from the drought. An article on the Dallas News explains the history of water management and it shines a light on riverside industries’ damage to our environment and water needs. 
Over the years the quantity as well as the quality of water has decreased due to businesses’ “Prior Appropriation System” which provides water rights and access determined on seniority. Companies’ as well as farms’ ability to draw large quantities of water is dooming the environment even more than we know. Rice farms have also drained large amounts of water from the lakes. Unfortunately we rely solely on mother nature to provide water for all the bodies of water in central Texas, and thankfully this finally caught the eye of city leaders and has caused them to start acting towards creating better water reservoirs. Smaller cities in central Texas, especially in the west, have started to look for other solutions including recycling treated sewage water because they are so concerned about what the future holds for them in terms of water supply. 

The fact that the courts are concentrating on establishing fair usage standards will help out the state overall in my opinion. I agree with DeLuca’s editorial and I’m also really glad I found it to help me understand the history as well as the causes of water supply issues in central Texas. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Blog stage 2

The article from the Daily Texan  I chose to write about talked about Greg Abbott’s opinion over Obama’s last speech given in Austin, Tx regarding the economic progress. The reason I think this article was worth reading is because I found it interesting to see why Abbott had rough critique on Obama’s speech. I can’t decide if Abbot is giving constructive criticism about the President’s speech and future plans for the economy or if he is just bashing on his word choice and lack of effective action. Abbott spoke in a room full of mostly women, about their gender’s huge influence on the economy and recognized them for playing such a big part in the rise and stabilization of the austin economy, yet it’s been said that he does not pay  the women in his office a fair wage, so maybe that’s some food for thought.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Blog stage one.
I've enabled comments and added both of the link lists necessary for mainstream media as well as political blogs.